**Cues Mary J Blige "What's the 411" album**
One of the most frequent questions I get is, Joy what in the world do you do!? Well here is the answer...I am Batman! Okay well, not the actual Batman per se but in theory I am. Here is why.

By day...
I am a College Student Success Manager at a non-profit organization called NJ LEEP based in Newark, NJ.
I manage 65 first and second-year college students to make sure that they are on track to graduate from college. The students I work with were a part of NJ LEEP back in high school and have now gone off to college. This is a new position, that comes with many perks and some challenges but I am loving it so far! The opportunity to build a new role is exciting yet A LOT of work but I would not trade this experience with the world.
The greatest perks about my job is that I have an opportunity to connect with some amazing, focused, talented and ambitious students who I truly believe will make a strong and positive impact in the world. Another perk is that I get to travel to visit those students. So far I have been to over 30 colleges and universities such as Cornell University, Rutgers (both campuses), Smith College, Georgetown University, UPENN, Loyola College, Pomona College, Mt. Holyoke, Swarthmore College and more.
So if you get a random text message or email from me requesting for you to speak with one the students I work with to share your expertise, this is why. You can learn more about the work that I do from my LinkedIn page here.

By night....
I am a Lifestyle Blogger at Emotional Leakage Thru Ink.
Although this platform is geared towards women, everyone can benefit from some good ole' words of encouragement. I launched my site back in February of 2015 following a breakup back in 2014. Since then, I have blogged about life as a woman, faith, love, dating, mental health and so much more. I personal believe that our emotions and experiences are shown through various forms of "ink" which can be a business, ministry, a book, non-profit and so much more. With that belief, I want every person who comes in contact with me to believe that their "ink" is the very thing that will help another person tap into their God-given greatness.

By late night....
Okay this has been on a weekend for the most part, I am a speaker. I use to go by, motivational speaker, but I felt like it was time for a change and I now go by, Empowerment Speaker. I feel like it has a special ring to it.
What do you think?
I have spoken at conferences, events and in schools. I absolutely love sharing my story in a teachable way for others to be empowered.
As you can see I do not have a typical 9 am- 5 pm schedule that solely consist of work, the gym, and occasional outings. There are many nights that I am up until 1 or 2 am working on content for my blog, my site, preparing for a speaking engagement or searching for opportunities- oh there is absolutely wrong with that!
Anyways, I hope you no longer have to scratch your head in wonder of what it is that I actually do. As you can see, I am a believer that you can do and have more than one interest. The world is not limited so why should you be!
